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Colleagues Working Together


March 2023

● Passed out bracelets and asked people to be intentional about praying for Romania

when they see it. We hope to cover the upcoming trip with prayers for the guys going,

the group they will be working with and the Romanian people. We hope to be a blessing

to them and show Jesus in the best way possible.

● We are preparing for Corry’s First Fridays (May 5th). We are discussing ways to draw in

the community as a fundraiser but also as an opportunity to speak with them about our

goals/mission. We will have brochures available that discuss our mission and has

information about Salt Church

● We have discussed having a “Missions Sunday’ with Pastor Al. Either during breakfast or

the main service we will officially introduce the group to the church. Nate will have just

returned from Romania so he will be updating us on the progress from there. We want

our people to know our mission. We will have cards to pass out for anyone looking for

more information or may be interested in helping at future events.

● An informational meeting will be held shortly after Nate’s return for anyone who is

interested in going to Romania this summer. Possible dates, pricing and other

information will be given at the meeting. We hope to answer any questions people may


September 2023

We hosted Missionaries from Romania and Texas. They spoke at several different churches and churches.
Missions Sunday went well. Stephen discussed his trip to Romania and the work they did. Nate and Tali taught during the service.

A chainsaw was donated to be taken to Liberia. Many other items were donated and are packed to take.
We will host the Pie Auction this year on November 19th.

November 2023

  • Reach sent a crew to Liberia

  • We are working on ways to continue to support the, make handouts that are for different aspects (school, agriculture, medical)

  • We are working out a schedule or way to thank other churches that supported the trip


Members of the team met with a man who works with a group in Thailand. They teach

English to the locals. We decided to donate towards his expenses while he is there for 2 months.

● We have created a ‘Salt Reach’ link on Salt Church’s website. This includes bios of the team members and we hope to include updated information as well as easy ways for people to donate directly

● We were given a vehicle to send to Africa. Members met with a man to work out logistics on how to ship a vehicle to Africa; it will cost about $2,000 to send it and we can fill the inside of the vehicle with other items to send.

 We are preparing to hold a chili cook off in January.

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