Fall schedule starts 9-11-22
Discussion about the following:
Questions about the worship lessons for kids
Expectations (i.e. heart of worship)
Worship in sanctuary: kids need to be with their parents/guardians
We believe that parents need to be taught about worship and to be in charge of their kids. Then, teach their kids.
Ideas for separating ages during Fellowship:
Group 1: 4 yrs – 1st grade
Group 2: 2nd -5th grade
Group 1 goes to “lesson” room
Group 2 goes to “game” room
Then switch
We will need more teachers if we want to break up the ages
Ask Veronica about her class: if and when she can start teaching again
Current schedule for Discipleship classes
Pre K – 1st Hughes’
Other ideas for Childrens’ Fellowship:
Play a video some weeks
Ready a story other weeks (Mincrafters Bible)
Provide craft kits as an option during play time – teacher supervised
Should we add another member to the Children’s Ministry Team.
Work on adding more teachers in preparation of possible changes to the format as noted above in #4.
Discussed upcoming Christmas Party plans for the kids in December during fellowship time.
Two teachers/leaders have come off the schedule for children’s fellowship and we need to have them replaced ASAP. Looking to the deacons for help in finding someone.
Also have two teachers/leaders going on Maternity leave from December -March. Need replacement for this couple of well.